Sister In Christ, Are You Ready To Step Into Your God-Given Purpose As A Faith-Based Author?



Here's What Students Are Saying: 

Sister In Christ, It's Time To Learn How To Write & Self-Publish Your First Book.

Sis, I know your story. You dream of writing and self-publishing your own books.

You dream of having your own publishing business online.

You’ve imagined holding that book with your name on it in your hands a thousand times…

But your book still isn't done.

And even though I know you’re probably hard on yourself about still not finishing your first book - I have some good news for you.

It’s really not your fault.

You’ve got responsibilities at home as you take care of your family.

You’ve got responsibilities at work as you be the best employee you possibly can.

And you’re most likely volunteering at church -

Volunteering in your community -

Doing everything you can to be a Proverbs 31 Woman and represent Christ in all areas of your life with excellence -

So that fact that you haven’t published your book yet isn’t your fault.

Hear me on this, sis. It’s NOT your fault.

How do I know?

Because when I first started my journey to becoming a faith-based author, I was exactly in your shoes.

I’ve dreamed of being a published author since the time I was 6 years old.

I kept imaging myself holding my novels in my hand.

I kept imagining what it would be like for the bookshelf at the library to be filled with my faith-based books.

But in 2008 when I tried to get my first book done -

It was nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to figure it out.

At the time, I was working AND going to school, volunteering at church AND trying to be a productive member of society.

I was trying to chase this dream of being an author while still taking care of my responsibilities at the same time.

This is a picture I took of myself heading to my full-time job as a video editor in 2008. I had NO TIME to work on my book.

And sis, I struggled.

I tried working through a vanity publisher to do it for me - but they charged $5000.  Where on earth was I supposed to find that money?

Then I met a guy at church who said he had a printing shop. I hired a graphic designer to design my first Bible study guide for me, took it to the print shop - but they charged $30 per copy. PER COPY.

How was I supposed to sell something that expensive?

And if you’ve been struggling to figure out how to get your book done too -

I’ve got some good news for you. 

You remember in Romans 8:28 where the Lord says in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose?

Well guess what?

The fact that you are seeking to become a self-published faith-based author in 2025 is FOR YOUR GOOD.


Because today, with the resources we literally have at our fingertips, all it takes for you to be able to write and self-publish your first faith-based book is the right TUTORIAL.

That’s it.

That’s all you need.

You don’t need a vanity publisher to charge you $5000.

You don’t need to hire a graphic designer to do the steps for you.

Sis, you don't even need a writing coach.

All you need is the right tutorial to show you how to do it step by step.

In 2009, the Holy Spirit allowed me to find the right tutorial to get my first book printed and self-published.

I followed it step by step, and because a self-published author within the year.

This is a screenshot of my first book that I published as a faith-based author in 2009. It was the first book I ever wrote!

Today the company I used to publish my book no longer exists, but in 2025, there are SO MANY OTHER OPTIONS you can use that I can confidently say ANYONE can write a book and become a self-published author.

With today’s resources, it’s EXTREMELY attainable to do it.

You just need someone to show you the steps.

And I want to show you mine.

This is a picture of me holding the very first Christian romance novel I ever wrote and self-published! It was a dream come true to hold this book!

I Want To Show You The EXACT Steps The Lord Allowed Me To Take To Write & Self-Publish My Own Faith-Based Books Step-By-Step...

And that's why I created the brand new Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School

And sis, that’s why I created the brand new Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School, an online e-learning platform created BY a woman of Christ FOR women of Christ who are purposed to be faith-based authors.

  • Finally you’ll have the STEP BY STEP tutorials to show you how to write and self-publish your first faith-based book.
  • You’ll know the exact tools to use to get your book written quickly and available for sale.
  • ​You’ll see the exact vendors you can use to get this book DONE and IN YOUR HANDS just like you’ve always imagined in your head -
  • ​All with tutorials that are already recorded and available for you to use as soon as you log in. 

Let me walk you through the brand new Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School.

The Faith-Based Author School Begins With The Author Toolkit, A 10-Course Bundle That Teaches You How To Write & Self-Publish Your Christian Books Step-By-Step...

This INCREDIBLE course teaches you how to write & self-publish 10 different types of faith-based books, including:

  • Non-Fiction Books: Learn how to write and self-publish your first non-fiction book that is a clear solution to a clear problem
  • eBooks: Learn how to write & self-publish a digital eBook so you can add it to your product library
  • Workbooks: Learn how to write & self-publish a workbook companion for your book
  • ​Daily Devotionals: Learn how to write & self-publish your own Christian daily devotionals
  • Daily Planner: Learn how to create & self-publish a daily planner
  • ​Prayer Journals: Learn how to write & self-publish your own prayer journals
  • ​Bible Study Guides: Learn how to write & self-publish your own Bible Study Guides
  • ​Notebook Journals: Learn how to create & self-publish blank notebook page journals
  • Coloring Books: Learn how to create & self-publish coloring books for adults
  • ​Amazon KDP Books: Learn how to self-publish your book to Amazon KDP

Learn How To Write & Self-Publish 10 Types Of Christian Books Step-By-Step...

In this first section of the Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School, I teach you how to write & self-publish your own Christian books step-by-step.

And because I do this stuff myself, sis, I mean STEP-BY-STEP. 

No summaries.

No talking instead of doing. 

I literally record myself writing and self-publishing each type of book so you can follow along on your own computer.

You'll first learn how to write a non-fiction book that is a clear solution to a clear problem in the Write Your Non-Fiction Book Workshop.  In this tutorial, I'll take you through:

  • Module 1: Find Your Topic
  • Module 2: Create Your Book Methodology
  • Module 3: Create Your Book Outline
  • ​Module 4: Write Your Book Manuscript
  • Module 5: Copy Edit Your Book
  • ​Module 6: Design Your Book Interior File
  • ​Module 7: Design Your Book Cover File
  • ​Module 8: Publish Your Book

By the time you complete this first tutorial, you'll have your first faith-based book WRITTEN, self-published and AVAILABLE FOR SALE.

If you've been struggling to figure out how to find your book idea -

How to create your outline -

How to write your manuscript FAST -

How to format your book files -

Even how to self-publish using the right print-on-demand vendors -

THIS is the tutorial you've been waiting for.

Here's What My Students Are Saying:

Learn How To Turn Your Book Into Other Types Of Digital Products Like I Did!

And that's not all, sis! 

In 2016, the Lord allowed me to discover that if I started selling the BUNDLED version of my book -

I could make way more money in my business.

Here's an example of one of the digital bundles I created for my book "Unleash Your Legend!"

And that's why in the Author Toolkit, I'll also teach you how to make 10 OTHER TYPES OF CHRISTIAN BOOKS, including eBooks, workbooks, daily devotionals, prayer journals, Bible study guides, planners, and so much more!

I'll also teach you how to turn your book into an online course so you can bundle it as well!

My goal is for you to not only write and self-publish your first Christian book, but also make companion pieces to support your book so you can BUNDLE your book offer when you make it available for sale.

That's why I give you 10 additional book tutorials, sis! Don't just offer your book. Offer your book, plus the eBook download, plus the workbook companion, plus the daily planner -

Whatever the Lord leads you to do!

Here's A Sneak Peak Of The Author Toolkit:

Lovely, My Writing Tutorials Have Produced DOZENS Of Authors, Including:

The Faith-Based Author School Continues With The Book Funnel Toolkit, a 4-Module Course That Shows You How To Turn Your Book Into A Sales Funnel!

Sis, the Author Toolkit isn't the only thing you're getting in the Faith-Based Author School.

Because with today’s resources, writing your book is actually the EASY part.

The more challenging part is figuring out how you’ll actually set up your sales system for your book.

Once I figured out how to bundle my books so I could make more income with them -

I next needed to set up a sales system to show potential buyers why they should invest in my bundle.

And you know how I did it?

Sis, it was a little something called a sales funnel.

And in the Faith-Based Author Toolkit, I'm also giving you access to my Book Funnel Toolkit so you can learn how to use the same types of funnels I did.

What is a book funnel? It's the automated sales system you set up to SELL YOUR BOOK to your customers.

With this course, you're gonna learn how to create four different types of sales funnels, including:

  • Lead Magnet Funnels: Learn how to use this type of funnel to build your email list of book readers in your niche
  • Tripwire Funnels: Learn how to use this type of funnel to promote your book bundle to your audience
  • Webinar Funnels: Learn how to use this type of funnel to promote your profit maximzier (a $1000 product or more) to your book customers using a webinar
  • ​Email Marketing Funnels: Learn how to set up your email automation welcome sequence so you continue to promote your book bundle to your new email list subscribers

Here's A Sneak Peak Of The Book Funnel Toolkit:

Lovely, With These Trainings, You'll Finally Be Able To See How To:

  • Build your audience of book readers: You'll finally see step-by-step how to create a lead magnet for your book business and set up your squeeze page
  • Present your book offer on a sales page: You'll see a step-by-step demonstration of creating a tripwire page for your book bundle
  • Run a webinar to your book customers: You'll finally see how to present a profit maximizer to your book customers using a webinar

The Faith-Based Author School Continues With The Book Marketing Toolkit, a 3-Course Bundle That Shows You How To Learn MARKETING For Your Funnel!

And that’s not all you’ll get in the Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School.

Because once you set up your sales funnel to promote your book bundle, now you need to get people INTO the sales funnel so it can do its job.

And today, we do that with social media marketing.

Marketing is the act of creating content optimized for a social media platform's algorithm that promotes our book funnel.

And as faith-based authors, many of us want to stay behind our computer and just write all day (that's what I want to do lol).

But we must remember that in order for someone to want to buy our book -

We must first TELL THEM about our book.

That's what marketing does.

Sis, marketing is just as important to your business as writing the book itself.

In 2017, one of the marketing strategies I used to promote my book "Unleash Your Legend" was going live in my Facebook Group about living your God-given purpose.

And that's why as part of The Faith-Based Author School, I also give you access to my Book Marketing Toolkit, a 3-course bundle that teaches you how I create a marketing plan for my book funnels.

With this course, you're gonna learn how to create a marketing plan to promote your books, including:

  • How To Create A Marketing Plan: I'll teach you how to create a marketing plan to promote your book funnel based on market research
  • How To Do A Product Launch: I'll teach you the 4-part launch formula you can use to launch your book funnel to your email list of book readers
  • Sales 101 | How To Sell A Product Online (Masterclass): I'll teach you how I write sales letters for my products so you can use this formula to write your launch sequence

Here's A Sneak Peak Of The Book Marketing Toolkit:

And Finally, The Faith-Based Author School Concludes With The Book Business Toolkit, a 4-Module Course That Shows You How To Officially Start Your Side Hustle As A Faith-Based Author!

Here at Godlywood Girl, the formula I use to make an income online as a faith-based author is what I call "The Purposed Profit Formula." It includes three steps:

(1) Build your audience of book readers

(2) Ask them what book they want from you next

(3) Create that book bundle and sell it to your book readers with a sales funnel

I do this over and over again at Godlywood Girl, and that's what I wanted to show you how to do with the Book Business Toolkit.

In this bundle, you'll learn:

  • Module 1: How to build your audience of book readers
  • Module 2: How to ask them what they want
  • Module 3: How to write what they asked you for
  • Module 4: How to turn what they asked you for into a sales funnel

This bundle is what I WISH someone had taught me when I started out as a faith-based author in 2008.

It would have given me the EXACT business model I needed to get started -

Without the fear and overwhelm of guessing my way through the process.

Here's What My Students Are Saying: 

Sis, The Faith-Based Author School Was Created To Help You Get Your First Book DONE So You Can Step Into Your God-Given Purpose As A Christian Author!

So When You Join The Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School, You're Gonna Get:

  • The Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit: In this course, you’ll learn how to write and self-publish your first faith-based book step-by-step, plus 10 other types of Christian books so you can bundle it out ($997 Value)
  • The Godlywood Girl Book Funnel Toolkit: In this course, you’ll learn how to leverage your bundle and turn it into a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a series of web pages designed to covert a lead - or a potential book reader - into a customer - or someone who has purchased your book bundle. It’s the sales system you design to make money in your book business online ($997 Value)
  • The Godlywood Girl Book Marketing Toolkit: In this course, you’ll learn how to promote your book funnels online with evergreen social media marketing strategies.  In this toolkit, I’ll teach you how to create a marketing plan for your book funnel plus how to do a product launch for your email list ($997 Value).
  • ​The Godlywood Girl Book Business Toolkit: In this course,  you’ll learn how to take your book idea and turn it into an online business. Many authors don’t realize that writing a book does not make you a business owner. A strategy for making money with your books is what makes you a business owner. In this track, you’ll learn how to set up your online business using a business model I call "The Purposed Profit Formula" ($997 Value)

Total Value = $3988

Sis, programs like these are worth THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on the market -

And that's what you would have to pay if you purchased each of these courses and classes from me separately.

But even though I know the brand new Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School is ABSOLUTELY worth $3988 -

I'm not charging that for the Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School.

I'm not even charging HALF of that - $1994.

Sis, I'm not even charging HALF of that - $997.

Lovely, you're gonna get the ENTIRE Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School, including:

  • The Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit: Learn how to write & self-publish 10 different types of Christian books ($997 Value)
  • The Godlywood Girl Book Funnel Toolkit: Learn how to bundle your book and turn it into a sales funnel ($997 Value)
  • The Godlywood Girl Book Marketing Toolkit: Learn how to create a marketing plan to promote your sales funnel ($997 Value).
  • ​The Godlywood Girl Book Business Toolkit: Learn how to turn your book idea into an online business using a business model I call "The Purposed Profit Formula" ($997 Value)

Total Value = $3988

All of that -

For a one-time payment of $397 -

Or 12-monthly payments of $47.

But only for the first 100 students who sign up.

After that, the bundle will be available for $997.

Sis, There Are Two Payment Plan Options:

Option 1 is my "Paid-In-Full" plan which includes the Faith-Based Author T-Shirt & Tote Bag Shipped to your home:

OPTION 1: PAID IN FULL (Save $167)
 One Time Payment (Save $167)
  • Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Book Funnel Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Book Marketing Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Business Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Lifetime Access (Priceless)
  • Total Value = $3988


Option 2 is my monthly installment payment plan of $47 per month for 12 months.

47 Monthly
12-Monthy Installment Payments Of $47
  • Godlywood Girl Author Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Book Funnel Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Book Marketing Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Godlywood Girl Business Toolkit ($997 Value)
  • Lifetime Access After Final Payment (Priceless)
  • Total Value = $3988

Ready To Get Started?

The Godlywood Girl Faith-Based Author School is currently enrolling new students and available by application only.  My goal is to make sure the school is a good fit to help you get your first book done QUICKLY as an author.

Fill out the application form below and hit the submit button, and I'll be in touch within 1 business day.

God bless you always, sis.

Here's to living our purpose as faith-based authors.

Stephanie (Godlywood Girl) Rodnez

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