Sis, I know your story. You dream of writing and self-publishing your own books.
You dream of having your own publishing business online.
You’ve imagined holding that book with your name on it in your hands a thousand times…
But your book still isn't done.
And even though I know you’re probably hard on yourself about still not finishing your first book - I have some good news for you.
It’s really not your fault.
You’ve got responsibilities at home as you take care of your family.
You’ve got responsibilities at work as you be the best employee you possibly can.
And you’re most likely volunteering at church -
Volunteering in your community -
Doing everything you can to be a Proverbs 31 Woman and represent Christ in all areas of your life with excellence -
So that fact that you haven’t published your book yet isn’t your fault.
Hear me on this, sis. It’s NOT your fault.
How do I know?
Because when I first started my journey to becoming a faith-based author, I was exactly in your shoes.
I’ve dreamed of being a published author since the time I was 6 years old.
I kept imaging myself holding my novels in my hand.
I kept imagining what it would be like for the bookshelf at the library to be filled with my faith-based books.
But in 2008 when I tried to get my first book done -
It was nearly IMPOSSIBLE for me to figure it out.
At the time, I was working AND going to school, volunteering at church AND trying to be a productive member of society.
I was trying to chase this dream of being an author while still taking care of my responsibilities at the same time.
This is a picture I took of myself heading to my full-time job as a video editor in 2008. I had NO TIME to work on my book.
And sis, I struggled.
I tried working through a vanity publisher to do it for me - but they charged $5000. Where on earth was I supposed to find that money?
Then I met a guy at church who said he had a printing shop. I hired a graphic designer to design my first Bible study guide for me, took it to the print shop - but they charged $30 per copy. PER COPY.
How was I supposed to sell something that expensive?
And if you’ve been struggling to figure out how to get your book done too -
I’ve got some good news for you.
You remember in Romans 8:28 where the Lord says in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose?
Well guess what?
The fact that you are seeking to become a self-published faith-based author in 2025 is FOR YOUR GOOD.
Because today, with the resources we literally have at our fingertips, all it takes for you to be able to write and self-publish your first faith-based book is the right TUTORIAL.
That’s it.
That’s all you need.
You don’t need a vanity publisher to charge you $5000.
You don’t need to hire a graphic designer to do the steps for you.
Sis, you don't even need a writing coach.
All you need is the right tutorial to show you how to do it step by step.
In 2009, the Holy Spirit allowed me to find the right tutorial to get my first book printed and self-published.
I followed it step by step, and because a self-published author within the year.
This is a screenshot of my first book that I published as a faith-based author in 2009. It was the first book I ever wrote!